About Me

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I am an English Instructor working on building my career while assisting my students with their futures. I am working on the fourth invention of my own wheel at this time. I have been a hometown girl in California's heartland and a hippie-mom in So.Cal's South Bay area. I have seen my four children reach adulthood as awesome, free-thinking individuals; I've also been a university student who enjoyed the feeling of being part of the learning community at Humboldt State University. I am still a mom, and a small-town girl, and an active member of my HSU colleague community, but I'm now in my dream job of teaching what I have learned to others. I love being a college English Instructor. To teach IS to do! Daily I see lights go on in my classes as students who are learning and growing gain greater awareness of the power of language!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

What am I doing here?

by Beverley Steichen - Monday, 7 September 2009, 10:58 PM


I am catching up for one thing... but in the bigger picture, what am I doing at HSU in the Master's program for English to teach writing (if I actually am here-not to be metaphysical, but you all heard my story)?

I am here because I had too many intriguing conversations with a professor of English, specializing in Shakespeare and Film, when I was a career path worker at Trader Joe's. After being dragged into one of his night classes, then another...I started my re-education in earnest and haven't lost my steam yet. After the B.A. it seemed right to stay on path and keep going for the next degree and so here I am. Looking forward to teaching, if not in the community college arena, I also have an inroad to being a specialist with a charter school which has students throughout most of the central half of the state. I also have a vision of being a great children's writer and creating the socio-political revolution that this country/world needs through books, without anyone having to get hurt.

So far as "What do my instructors say English is?" that would be best summed up as a changing, world-unifying language with many very different dialects. English is a living, growing, morphing language that is spreading over the globe and as such, there should be a job somewhere for anyone who wants to teach it. If you don't mind leaving the Pacific Redwood coast and going to another part of the world... there should be someone who you can find to pay you to teach their children English.

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